Sadly, the garden harvests are just not ready. The weeks between Memorial Day and mid-June can be feast or famine, and most of the time, they are famine. This means no farmstand for Saturday.

It seems so wrong to be saying that the first Saturday in June is not going to be a farmstand day. But, as I was mowing, my mind was thinking: Bake all afternoon or keep getting things done outside today?
Between having so little available fresh food and the beautiful day that has seen so much productivity, it became clear that the outdoor stuff needs to keep getting attention. All this rain and warm temperatures have the weeds working overtime, and they need to be pulled. More seeds can be sown, tomatoes trimmed, and more this afternoon.

As always, if you do want or need something – please get in touch and I’ll do my best to get you covered.

Thank you for your continued support!

By Amy