It’s time for the Wednesday edition of farmstand and the weather looks refreshing! I’ll be out front from 3:00 – 6:00 – please come see me!

Today’s menu:

Slicing tomatoes $1 each
Small slicing tomatoes .50 each
2 Salad tomatoes $4 per basket
Cherry / yellow pear tomatoes $3 per pound
2 Tomato soup kits $5 (2# Roma tomatoes, basil, onion and recipe)
2 Bulk tomatoes $7.50 per 5# bag
3 Eggplant $1 each
LOTS of Cucumbers .50 each or 6/$2.50
Peppers: bell .75, sweet Carmen .75, banana .50, jalapeno or Serrano .25
2 Acorn squash $2 each
2 Spaghetti squash $2 each
4 Butterbaby (small butternut) squash $2 each
3 Yellow squash .75 each
Zucchini .75 each
Sweet green apples $1.50 per pound

I’ve picked a handful of sunflowers, one bouquet with zinnias, and no herbs today due to winds.

There are jams, apple butter, and some seasoned salts, too!

By Amy