Yesss! It’s a farmstand day and the temperature is going to be perfect. That means you should stop in for some fresh veggies, jams, and flowers this afternoon. I’ll be open 3:00-6:00

Slicing tomatoes $1 each
Small slicing tomatoes .50 each
San Marzano tomatoes 6/$2
3 Salad tomatoes $4 per basket
8 Cherry / Yellow pear tomatoes $4 per pound
3 Bulk tomatoes (five pound bags) $7.50
10 Bell peppers (green, red, orange) .75 each
6 Carmen peppers (taste like a bell but without the acid) .75 each
6 Banana peppers .50 each
12 Jalapeno and Serrano peppers .25 each
Cucumbers .50 each or 6/$2.50
Okra .25 each (about a dozen today with LOTS of flowers about to open)
1 Carrots $4 per bundle
2 Baby carrots $3 per bundle
4 Green beans $4 per pound
1 Swiss chard $4 per bag
Zucchini & Yellow squash in limited numbers
Cut flowers, seasoned salts, and jams! No herbs today as I missed the window to pick while it was overcast and cool.

By Amy