It’s time to do another Sunday edition from 10-Noon!

As I was going out to pick beans and a few other things tonight, something strange happened. It RAINED! In the morning, I’ll have to try to speed pick some beans, cut some more flowers, and some Swiss chard. Here’s what I know we will have available.

Small tomatoes (quite a lot) .50 each
1# Cherry tomatoes $3
San Marzano tomatoes 5/$2.50
Cucumbers .50 each or 6/$2.50
Broccoli $2 per half pound
Mini Broccoli $2 per half pound
Broccoli Leaves $2 per bag
Swiss Chard $4 per bag
4 Slicers $1 each (these are getting so close to giving better harvests)
Yellow Squash .75 each
Zucchini .75 each
Peppers (banana, sweet Carmen, Serrano, jalapeno)
Green Beans $4 per pound
Fresh and dried herbs .50 – $1
Cut flowers $1 and hopefully at least one $5 bouquet
There are jams, Chai Latte mix and a couple of seasoned salts, too!

By Amy