Yes, it’s time for a cool Saturday farmstand! Grab a sweatshirt and come over to get some fresh stuff – there’s a lot of beautiful, chemical-free produce ready for you. I will cut some fresh herbs first thing in the morning, but if it’s breezy at set-up time, they may get set by the coolers to stay out of the breeze (and hopefully prevent wilting).

Beets, baby or regular $3 per bunch
Carrots, regular $4 per bunch
Carrots, baby $3 per bunch
Cucumbers – only a handful .50 ea
Okra .25 per pod
Onions .50
Garlic $1.50 per head
Green beans (some with yellow mixed in) $4 per pound
Swiss chard $4 per bag
Kale $2 per half bag
Yellow squash .75 ea
Cherry tomatoes $3 per pound, $1.50 per half pound
Salad tomatoes $4 per basket (at least 1#)
San Marzano tomatoes $2 per basket (at least 1#)
Roma tomatoes $1.50 per basket (at least 1#)
Small tomatoes .50 ea
Slicing tomatoes $1 ea
Heirloom slicers $1.50 ea (mostly Amana Orange)
Peas $3.50 per pound, $2 per half pound
Banana peppers .50 ea (perfect for stuffing like a popper but no heat!)
Carmen peppers .75 ea
Bell peppers .75 ea
Jalapeno peppers .25 ea
Serrano peppers .25 ea
Mini sweet peppers $2.50 per basket
Fresh herbs .50 to $1: rosemary, thyme, chives, sage, oregano, basil
Cut flowers $1 or $5 bouquets
Jams, apple butter, banana pepper rings, pickled veggies (hot) $4 per jar
Chai latte mix $4 per refill bag (2 cups dry mix)
8 Italian focaccia breads $7.50 ea

I think that’s everything. If you’re looking for something that isn’t listed, get in touch. Otherwise, I’ll see you in the morning! Off to have a hot shower, take my contacts out and make my “To Do” list for tomorrow. Thank you for reading all the way to the end. This weekend, I hope to find time to send out a garden update with details about the different plants/harvests/upcoming crops and so forth.

By Amy