I hope to see you in the morning between 9 and noon. NO ORDERS tonight. It’s going to be a long one getting everything weighed, bagged, packaged, etc.

**Note: Milan is having a parade down in town, so plan for delays or bypass the retail area

8 Lemon blueberry breads (mini loaf) $4 ea
6 Green beans $4 per pound
1 Kale $4 per bag
1 Swiss chard $4 per bag
1 Broccoli greens $2 per bag
1 Mixed greens $4 per bag (kale, chard, broccoli leaves)
2 Carrots $4 per bag
Slicing tomatoes $1 ea (last day for these, then small ones till the end)
Small slicers .50 ea
Salad tomatoes $4 per basket (at least 1#) – quite a lot today
Cherry tomatoes $3 per pound – LOTS today!!
1 Roasted tomato soup kit $5 (small San Marzano tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 stem basil and the recipe)
Banana peppers .50 ea – so many colors from yellow to orange and even some red!
Bell peppers .75 ea – red, green, in between, big and blocky, long and tapered
Carmen peppers .75 ea – red, green and in between
Jalapeno peppers .25 ea (picked 2 doz, but let me know if you need quantity for poppers)
Serrano peppers .25 ea
Mini sweet peppers $2.50 per basket
Paprika peppers .50 ea (SO orange!)
Cucumbers .50 ea – more than last week, but these plants are getting started
Okra .25 ea (a $5 basket of smalls and a whole lot of big ones)
2 Roasting kits $5 ea (beets, carrots, onion, yellow squash, fresh herbs and a recipe)
1 Beets $3 per bundle
Small onions .50 ea
Fresh herbs, cut flowers, jams, apple butter, chai latte mix, seasoned salts, pickled peppers, and I’m sure there’s something missing…

By Amy