Wednesday looks to be another hot and very humid day, so I’ve decided not to sit outside in high heat index temperatures at their peak. Instead, how about a few orders for pick-up instead? Just finished watering (again) and here’s what I believe will be available.

Peppers of all kinds (banana, bell, Carmen, sweet mini, paprika, jalapeno, Serrano)
Okra – all sizes because it hasn’t been picked since Satruday, so be specific in your request
Beans (2-3 pounds)
Tomatoes: cherry, salad, small slicers, some bigger slicers, several pounds of Roma, lots of Amana Orange, and a couple of tri-color)
3 Zucchini
6 yellow squash
Small onions

I also have jams, chai latte mix, seasoned salts, and pickled peppers or veggies.

Please send your requests and I’ll compile them in the morning before going out to pick and get in touch with you. Thanks for your understanding!

By Amy