Hope you can join us on Ridgewood Road on Saturday morning for fresh stuff! I’ll be open from 9 until noon. The date is August 24th and that is Daisy’s birthday! She will be 2 years old. Her stomach has been bothering her a bit this week, so she may not be up for lots of celebrations, but she definitely wants to see everyone.

Tomatoes are still somewhat plentiful, but today’s picking has left a few plants completely finished. The cherry tomatoes got a good haircut this week, and those tiny gems have started ripening up quickly! There are 5 pounds picked and packaged, and I’m planning to go through them one more time.

Peppers should be plentiful (picking them soon), and most everything has average harvests. There are 13 single serving SBR (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry) crisps just coming out of the oven – they smell so good! My list still has a dog walk, picking, watering, picking flowers, pulling beets when it cools down, and packaging tomatoes. I hope to see you in the morning!

Beets $3 per bundle
Swiss chard $4 per bag
Kale $4 per bag
Carrots $4 per bundle
Green beans $4 per pound
Bell peppers .75 ea
Sweet Carmen peppers .75 ea
Banana peppers .50 ea
Jalapeno peppers .25 ea
Serrano peppers .25 ea
Mini sweet peppers $2.50 per basket
Peas $3 per 3/4 pound bag
Okra .25 per pod
Cherry tomatoes $3 per pound
Salad tomatoes $4 per basket (at least 1#)
Roma tomatoes $1.50 per basket (at least 1#)
San Marzano tomatoes $2 per basket (at least 1#)
Slicing tomatoes $1 ea
Small slicing tomatoes .50 ea
Heirloom tomatoes $1.50 ea (mostly Amana Orange today)
Cucumbers .50 ea (small harvest today)

As always, there are jams, apple butter, pickled peppers, chai latte mix, seasoned salts, a few fresh cut herbs, and some cut flowers.

By Amy