Today, I’ve put planting mix in pots and have them on a heat mat. This afternoon or tomorrow morning some of the tomatoes will be transplanted! It’s hard to believe that they’re getting to that size already. Peppers are a little slower to get going, so those will need another week.
Germination was good on most varieties, but I seeded a second batch of a few things last week.

Broccoli and lettuces are loving life in the hoop house. The row cover goes on late in the afternoon and comes off when the inside air temperature is above forty degrees Fahrenheit. Warm water is used to water them in an effort to keep the soil warm.
Planting mix has been scooped out of storage containers and into buckets to warm up in the hoop house. This is an easy way to warm it when the weather cooperates.
It looks like there should be a couple of bags of mild microgreens ready to cut on Friday or Saturday. If you’re interested, let me know. These will be the last ones for a while as plant starts take over the growing rack.
Happy Thursday to you!